Sober living

Is drinking in moderation good for your heart? Harvard Gazette

what is moderate drinking

Studies have found that with the same amount of drink, blood alcohol concentrations are at their highest just before menstruation and at their lowest on the first day after menstruation. Prior research suggests that people who use complementary and alternative medicine interventions tend to be female, of middle age, and have more education23. Our use of convenience sampling may limit generalizability to other populations and highlights the need to actively engage communities to keep health equity concerns at the forefront of digital health implementation research24. Fluoridated water has been used for decades to reduce tooth decay, but a new report suggests that high levels of fluoride exposure might impact children’s cognitive development. Although most U.S. water contains fluoride at safe levels, it’s important to monitor exposure, especially for children.

  • Department of Agriculture’s dietary guidelines all agree that minimal drinking is better than even a moderate alcohol intake.
  • The evidence for moderate alcohol use in healthy adults is still being studied.
  • Alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be conceptualized along a spectrum of risk, with appropriate interventions dependent on an individual’s risk of progressing to severe AUD over the lifetime5.
  • Too much alcohol affects your speech, muscle coordination and vital centers of your brain.
  • It’s also a good idea to have some days when you don’t drink at all.

Moderate drinking increases health risks compared to not drinking

The JAMA study didn’t go as far as the Lancet article in linking low levels of drinking to mortality risk. While moderate drinking doesn’t equal a health benefit, it also doesn’t seem to raise the risk of death by very much, the authors said. But heavier drinking is definitely dangerous, in their moderate drinking view. A JAMA review of 107 studies published from 1980 to 2021 found that occasional or low-volume drinkers did not have a lower risk of all-cause mortality than lifetime nondrinkers did. But there was a significantly increased risk of mortality among those who had a few drinks per day or more.

what is moderate drinking

Men vs. women: Does moderate drinking differ?

If you’re concerned, check your local water supply’s fluoride levels and consider using a filter. In 2006, the National Research Council evaluated the fluoride standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency and found a link between consuming high levels of fluoride and adverse brain effects. In the following years, researchers probed that link further. In the early 1900s, scientists noticed that some communities of people in Colorado had permanent brown and white splotches on their teeth. They discovered that high levels of fluoride in drinking water were to blame for those stains, called fluorosis.

Staying Healthy

what is moderate drinking

Less than 1% of people drink water with levels of fluoride that high. Living a healthy lifestyle can give you the same benefits as moderate drinking. Get medical help if you’re drinking too much and have trouble cutting back.

what is moderate drinking

A randomized trial testing digital medicine support models for mild-to-moderate alcohol use disorder

As a result, “abstainers” looked relatively unhealthy, and “moderate” drinkers, many of whom exercise and eat well, looked pretty good. The study, which included nearly 5 million people, found that low-volume drinkers had a significantly lower mortality risk than did lifetime abstainers. Department of Health and Human Services, the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide recommendations on what the average American should eat and drink to promote health and help prevent chronic disease. There are some adults who should not drink alcohol, such as women who are pregnant. Adults who choose to drink, and are not among the individuals listed below who should not drink, are encouraged to limit daily intakes to align with the Dietary Guidelines. People who do not drink should not start drinking for any reason.

Risk factors

what is moderate drinking

Fluorides are compounds that contain both fluorine and another element, like a metal. They occur naturally in the environment and in some foods, like tea and shellfish. Nearly all water contains fluoride, though the amount present depends on the source. Lisa Valente is a registered dietitian and former senior digital nutrition editor for EatingWell. William Schaffner, MD, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases, Vanderbilt University, Nashville.

Lanphear said the U.S. public should weigh the costs and benefits of fluoride exposure, such as the risk of one’s child losing a couple of IQ points to prevent some level of tooth decay. Besides, there may be other, more beneficial steps the government could take to protect Americans’ teeth, he added. This latest report incorporated data from human studies. The authors said that not enough high-quality studies have yet been conducted in adults to draw conclusions about the cognitive effects of fluoride exposure in adults.

Extreme Binge Drinking

  • The definition of moderate drinking is something of a balancing act.
  • It is also addictive, especially for people with a family history of alcoholism.
  • There is also some evidence that genes influence how alcohol affects the cardiovascular system.
  • A review study (and meta-analysis), which was published in 2011 in the journal BMJ, showed that drinking alcohol significantly raised HDL cholesterol, yet didn’t raise total cholesterol, LDL or triglycerides.

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